دورة جراحات القدم و الكاحل فى مريض السكرى

 دورة جراحات القدم و الكاحل فى مريض السكرى

 Designed for (Admission Criteria):
MD, MSc, Egyptian fellowship, Arabic fellowship, 2 years experience following Diploma, LRS trainees
Specialty (Target Participants):
Orhopedic surgery, General Surgery, Plastic Surgery, Vascular Surgery, Physical Medicine, Physiotherapy, Interventional Radiologist, Internal Medicine, Family Medicine, General Practitioner.
LRS.PD Hall, AICPD, Almokatam, Cairo, Egypt
Participants abroad, would like to associate the course, should follow:
Live video of the scientific day including the WS in DFAS Facebook with interactive discussion to confirm active participation
Follow the lectures and instructions in the DFAS classroom
Should attend the LRS 4 course (No extra fee, Registration fee includes LRS 4 meeting in 7&8 September 2018 for OCO Final Exam and Graduation (E Certificate)
Increase the awareness and skills in decrease and preventing complications especially amputation in Diabetic Leg, Foot and Ankle.
Scientific Materials
Handout, DVD, Books
Learning and techniques:
Course, 6 months duration
Scientific day, or two, monthly, intensive course of interactive lectures which composed of one or more of the following:
Live Surgery Transmission
Live Cadaver dissection USA Lab Transmission
Workshops: hands on and demonstration in Sawbones and up-to-date wound care techniques
Interactive Lectures
Case Discussion
E- Learning in facebook page and group as well as Google classroom
Course description
An intensive course designed with a focus on diabetic foot and ankle affections, wounds, bone and soft tissue reconstruction. Attendees will receive dedicated faculty to review the most recent evidence and data on reconstructive options for DFAS. The course will include both a didactic review of relevant anatomy and surgical techniques as well as an extensive hands-on saw-bone workshop and up-to-date wound care techniques.
– Introduction to diabetic foot
– Diabetic Foot infection & Osteomyelitis
– Diabetic lower extremity trauma and complications
– Plastic surgical reconstruction of the diabetic lower extremity
– Amputation
– Diabetic Charcot’s foot & ankle
– Surgical offloading in diabetic foot
Increase the awareness and skills in management of Diabetic Foot and Ankle complication and prevention of amputation.
National (Waiting more participation)
Adel Khamis
Ahmed S Allam
Barakat Elalfy
Almohamdy Elgharib
Amin Abdelraziq
Amr farouk
Amr Fouad
Ayman Husain
Hesham Elashry
Hatem Kotb
Ibrahim Aboamira
Ihab Badawi
Mahmoud Elrosasy
Mohamed Fadel
Mohamed Laklok
Mohamed M Badr
Hani Badahdah ( KSA )
Ramy Fahim (USA)
Suhail Masadeh (USA)
Edgardo Rodriguez (USA)
Scientific Collaboration of :

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لمزيد من المعلومات الاتصال بنا على (هاتف/ واتس آب):
مقر المعهد الرئيسي : 42 ش القصر العيني – دار الحكمة – القاهرة – مصر

التواصل الاجتماعي

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العنوان: 42 شارع القصر العيني – دار الحكمة – القاهرة

تليفون : 27927389-00202

جوال : 01002316336-002

فاكس: 27940518-00202

    info@aicpd.org: بريد

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